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Frontend Developer

Expert in WordPress and Online Stores

Aligning elegance with the best user experience, I develop scalable projects that enable your business to achieve the success you deserve


In 2008, when I was just 15 years old, I wanted to do something that would put me in the job market and allow me to help people. I found a Web Design course that enabled me to do just that, and from that point on, I never stopped studying to enhance my professional skills and work to apply all my knowledge to improve my clients’ businesses.
Today, 15 years later, I’ve already helped hundreds of people improve the online presence of their companies, using Landing Pages, Institutional Websites, Blogs, Online Stores, and whatever else is necessary for each project.

My Approach
I have the expertise to identify the best solution for each project, with a focus on solving its problems clearly and directly, so that your business can grow. I aim to create impactful and engaging digital experiences that are user-centered, focused on usability, and aesthetics.


How can i help you?


Establish a strong online presence to attract more customers


Showcase your company with personality and a unique identity.


Optimized user experience with the best navigation interface

Efficient Management

Efficient and objective content management for your website

SEO Optimization

Utilize best practices to ensure your business is easily discoverable

Online Store

Sell your services and products online for your customers




Website Type: Project Catalog
Additional Features: Fixed Top Menu, Entry Content Animations, Insertion of Animated GIFs, Integration with Vimeo, Video Gallery with Popups, Click to See More Script, Multi-language Configuration

Next Generation Wealth

Financial Consultant

Website Type: One-Page Institutional
Additional Features: Fixed Top Menu, Integration with Google Reviews, Click to See More Script, Integration with Calendly, Integration with Instagram Feed, Newsletter for Email Capture


Artist Management

Website Type: One-Page Portfolio
Additional Features: Entry Content Animations, Fixed Top Menu, Custom Image Gallery with 2 Sections Divided into Tabs

Copat Malhas

Fabric Store

Website Type: E-commerce
Additional Features: Rotating Banner, Newsletter for Email Capture, Product Images Change on Mouse Hover


1. How long will it take for my website to be ready?

The development time of a website can vary depending on the project's complexity and required resources. However, with the website's content ready (text and images), a Landing Page can be ready in 1 or 2 days, and an Institutional Website (up to 8 pages) can be completed within 3 to 5 days. For other project types, we will discuss specific timelines during the initial consultation and when defining the requirements.

2. How much will the development of my website cost?

The cost of website development varies based on the desired features and the project's scope. I will conduct a detailed analysis of the requirements to provide an accurate budget.

3. What information or materials do you need from me to start the project?

To ensure a smooth project start, I will need information such as content, images, logos, and any specific materials you want to include on the site. The more information you can provide initially, the more efficient the design process will be.

4. How will the design and review process work?

During the design process, I will present prototypes and concepts for your review and feedback. We will work together to refine the design before implementation.

5. How can I update and maintain my site after it's launched?

After the site is launched, you can update the content yourself using the WordPress content management system or choose to hire maintenance and support services to ensure that your site remains up-to-date and secure.

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